Monday, October 15, 2012

The real story of voodoo

It's all well and good talking about the voodoo knife block but what is voodoo really about?

Let the discovery channel tell you everything.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Whipped Cream Dispenser

The katy perry video of the human whipped cream dispenser was pretty popular - so perhaps its worth looking behind the scenes

so take a sneaky peak behind the scenes - as you can see the cream is actually dispensed from tube - probably connected to a cow that is a long way off screen in a field i Cornwall.

To recreate this in the comfort of your own home - then what you really need is a large whipped cream dispenser - such as this one link and a katy perry costume from here link

Th real trick is connecting the whipped cream dispenser to the bra - and for that we use a short length of rubber hose - unfortunately it can't be as long as the one used in the video becue even with the larg cream canister you are still really only dealing with 3L of cream from a single charger. So use a mini back-pack and just don't turn your back on your audience.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Super Sexy Knife Block

Wusthof knife blocks here wooden and very sexy.
Got wood? well they certainly have ....

Unlike many knife blocks - this one actually looks good regardless of what knives it actually holds - unlike some that only seem to really work when they have the "right" knives - usual those that came with the block in the first place - which means you are tied into oe brand in much the same way you would be with an apple computer....